As requested, a post about the art of John Tran hanging in our shop.
I’ve included a picture of each piece with tag. The tags include title and price.
John Tran, the artist, is a teenager with severe autism. He is not able to speak and suffers from sensory overloads which have restricted his life. His wakeful hours consists mainly of holding multiple toys of similar size and shape in his hands which he carries around the house; he has little functional skills.
As John Paints, he loses the traits of autism and becomes absorbed like any artist. His work is an inspirational testimonial that art crosses borders of language and despite disability, he is able to have a career.
A 100% of your purchase of his art goes back to artist for supplies and art training. The paintings are next to a window. The colors might not truly represent the pieces. Not only picture are the correct direction. Not matter how many times I tried to rotate they would not. I never will master wordpress