Today’s Menu 7/27

Today’s Menu 7/27

Oatmeal Dreams

Nutter Butters

Vegan Chocolate chip cookie Sandwiches


Pb Brownies (afternoon)

Elvis Muffins- PB/banana with salted peanuts

ApfelKuchen Muffins

English Muffins (V)

Garlic Bread Sticks (V)

Vegan Pizza Crusts (V)

Cereal Treats

Cake pops


Soft Pretzels

Focaccia- Tomato Basil (V)

Zucchini Basil Soup (V)

Minty Pea Soup (V)

Power Greens Super Foods Salad (V)

Honey Mustard Chicken

Quinoa Black Bean Salad (V)

Asian Noodle Salad (V)

Utz Potato Sticks are back in stock! And Plaintain chips for grainfree friends !