Our Mission Statement

We are a gluten and dairy free food company whose mission is to employ people on the autistic spectrum and provide job training skills.

Important Information

We do not have a phone number since a third of our workforce is nonverbal, so phones just don’t work for us. Please make any inquiries by emailing contactus@nolabelatthetable.com.

  • You may place an in-store pickup order by filling out the https://nolabelatthetableorder.square.site/

  • and allowing 48 hours for any orders made.

  • We accept special orders for any event you have and we would be happy to work with you on any other requests.

  • There’s parking available in the rear of our store.

  • We can also ship anywhere in the US!

  • Door step delivery is available in Indy on Thursday via Marketwagon Market Wagon https://marketwagon.com/collections?vendor=839 delivery

Today’s menu 3/8 CornBread English Muffins (V) Garlic Breadsticks (V) Oatmeal Dreams Chocolate chip Cookie sandwiches (V) Oreal O’s Brownies Zucchini Crumb Muffins Red Velevt Cupcakes Chocolate Cupcakes (V) Funfetti Cupcakes Lemon Raspberry Cake slices (V) Banana Pudding cookies Pumpkin Ginger Bread Bagels (V) Bread Loaves
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Need Help Finding Us?

Here is an above view of Downtown Carmel, IN with locations on where you can park and the store's location.

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